supermarket auto gates
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Client: National Supermarket Chain
Location: Nationally
Market: Commercial
Capabilities: Electrical Construction

Scope of Work:

Stock loss through theft has been and still remains a significant issue across our clients’ chain of stores in Australia. In an effort to combat the issue, our client made the decision to alter their store entrances in combination with other stock-loss initiatives. A major initiative in the altering of the store entrances was the introduction of glass balustrading to entrances, reducing entry widths and providing automatic barrier protection forcing customers to follow standard traffic flow when exiting the store, one that would direct them to the areas of the store that had significantly more security measures in place.

S.J. Electric was engaged to install the automatic entry gates into store entrances completing the following electrical construction works across 550 of our clients stores nationally.

  • Marking out the floor and chase for electrical and data cabling for auto gates
  • Installing auto gates
  • Hardwiring all items for above
  • Commissioning of auto gates